White standing lamp

Rich, dynamic and full of finesse

Price: 4 500,00 Kč Original price:

In stock 1 pcs

Cras lectus eros, accumsan et sapien eu, pulvinar auctor erat. Nam orci dolor, pharetra eget dui tincidunt, condimentum auctor augue. Praesent vel hendrerit eros, et varius nibh. Mauris sapien urna, pellentesque et pellentesque id, efficitur convallis velit. Vivamus eget cursus purus, vel euismod risus. Cras nec aliquet enim.

Optimal placement 

Designed to be positioned up against the wall on a shelf or side table, Beosound Balance delivers carefully controlled beams of sound for a clear acoustic experience from the front and rich sound enhancement at the back. The result is an impressively big acoustic experience compared to its size.

Brillant, wooden home speaker

Beauty and passion

Price: 12 500,00 Kč

Modern design chair

Scandinavian minimalism design

Price: 8 500,00 Kč Original price: 9 900,00 Kč

Innovative white chair

Vel pretium lectus quam

Price: 8 400,00 Kč